LC Blog2024-05-28T17:20:26+01:00


We have currently launched a several month Sermon Series in Portlaoise on the Parables of Jesus. Parables were a way that Jesus took something ordinary and familiar and used it [...]



In becoming a Christian you made the greatest decision of your life. Through your salvation you opened a phenomenal supernatural world of wonderment – the spiritual world of the Lord. [...]


Gifts and Giving

One of Ripley’s “Believe It or Not” items pictured a plain bar of iron worth €5.00. The same bar of iron made into horseshoes would be worth €50.00. If the [...]


Mind of Christ

Nothing is created by its own power; neither does it exist nor is it sustained by itself. Everything in the universe, from the smallest particle or atom to the largest [...]


The Holy Spirit

To many the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Indeed he is! The Scripture sheds limited light on his work. He is portrayed in a variety of roles; creator, mighty wind, [...]


God or god

Did you ever have to make a choice that determined the course of your life – take this young woman or man for your mate; choose to become an accountant [...]



Of course, breathing is our most vital, natural function. We all like to breathe! As a youth I helped rescue two women from drowning in the Pacific Ocean and another [...]


How Full is Full?

As Christians you and I are “full” spiritually to the point of abundance. “God’s fullness” stretches and expands us. It brings us new revelation and spiritual insight. We can contain [...]


Blood Covenant

God’s first covenant with mankind was given by him in Genesis 2:16-17, where he commanded man, “eat of any tree in the garden, but of the tree of good and [...]


The Name

Unlike today Old Testament parents would give names to their children that reflected the child’s physical appearance, ease or difficulty of birth, their desired relationship with God or their hope [...]


The Applicable Word

Jesus said, “…Man…shall live on [by] every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4. Think of that! We should…we must live by his Word. To do [...]



Dartmouth, Yale and Harvard, elitist colleges on the East coast of America, are constantly vying with each other in various competitive events. Recently my granddaughter, who attends Dartmouth, excelled in [...]



Did you know that deep inside of you is a place, a spiritual abode. This place is not your organs that give you life; ie, heart, liver, stomach. This place [...]


Mind of Christ

Nothing is created by its own power; neither does it exist nor is it sustained by itself. Everything in the universe, from the smallest particle or atom to the largest [...]



A pig can oink; a bird can chirp; a cat meow; a horse can neigh. All of these sounds were given them by God to express or communicate desire, contentment, [...]


Power of a Seed

A seed, less than a quarter inch in size, placed in the darkness of earth, immediately comes to life drawing power from the soil and the sun. Shortly vines, leaves [...]


Love Within

Years ago my wife and I lived on the shore of Walby Lake, a small lake near Palmer, Alaska, USA. At that time, ours was the only house along its [...]



Everywhere Jesus went he drew a crowd. Hundreds - even thousands - gathered around him. What was the attraction - his personality, his message, his ideas? Or were the people [...]


Divine Love

There are few words in the dictionaries that have such a wide range of definitions and applications as does the word love: passion, ardor, infatuation, crush, flame, yearning, puppy love, [...]



Transition is a condition we live in. From moment to moment we change physically, intellectually and even spiritually. This transition will be complete upon our entrance into eternal life, whether [...]


The Blood and the Life

Our lives are very tenuous, hanging on our regular heartbeats, pumping miraculous blood through our bodies at a given rate. Interrupt the heartbeat for even a couple of minutes and [...]



It is not unusual, in nature, for an animal, insect, or fish to take on or demonstrate the physical characteristics of another. Some tropical fish glow or pulsate light at [...]
