Communion at Life Church

Guidance for our Worship Gatherings | Autumn 2022

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When do we take communion?

  • The music ministry team can celebrate communion together before the services so that they can minister while the rest of the church take communion.
  • You can come to the front BEFORE the final worship song.
  • Communion should take somewhere between 5-10 minutes total.


  • You will SHARE
    • Share a Scripture
    • Share a Brief Encouragement (related to communion)
    • Share a Prayer
  • You will INSTRUCT
    • Instruct people when to come to the front.
    • Instruct people when to drink the juice and when to eat the bread.
    • Instruct people to respond to Jesus. Keep in mind those that have never invited Jesus into their lives use this as an opportunity for them to invite him in. (see “Invitation” section below)


  • When you are finished the worship team leads the final song.


Minister Guidance


  • Suggested Scriptures
    • Matthew 26:26-28
    • Mark 14:22-24
    • Luke 22:19-20
    • 1 Corinthians 11:23-29


Brief Encouragement (Ideas & Emphasis)

  • Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. That his blood was poured out to wash away our sins that his body was broken for our healing. 


  • “It is a physical representation of a spiritual reality.” Like baptism, communion is a spiritual symbol and reminder of what Jesus has done. But it holds power not only as a symbol, it also reminds us to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our lives and to continue to do His work of washing us by the grace of Jesus.


  • Remembering what Jesus did while taking communion can feel like a sombre moment, and that’s okay. But don’t forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. Encourage the people to not just experience the symbol of communion but to live in its truth. We are set free because Jesus is alive and giving us life to the full.


  • Emphasis:
    • Take time to RememberJesus death on the cross for our sins.
    • Take time to Repentof sin (heart turned toward God).
    • Take time to be in Right Relationshipwith other believers.
    • Take time to  We have an eternal hope, we are forgiven, and we are in relationship with God.



  • Hold the bread, a symbol of Jesus’ body. Jesus asked us to eat this to remember that He gave His body for us. Let’s pray. God, thank You for sending Jesus who not only lived for us, but died for us. The Son of God, who came in the body of a man, gave Himself up so we could live! Thank You that His body was raised back to life. Thank You that because of the grace of Jesus we have real life, and we can live forever in You. Amen. Okay, go ahead and eat the bread.


  • Hold the cup, a symbol of Jesus’ blood. Jesus asked us to drink this cup to remember that our sins are washed by the powerful new connection Jesus made possible between us and God. Let’s pray. God, what an incredible picture this is of Your love for us. You allowed Your only Son to literally be poured out so that we could be in a fully restored relationship with You. Thank You, Jesus, for giving your blood. Amen. Go ahead and drink the cup.



  • Take a moment to remember what Jesus has done for you by taking your sin and punishment to give you life.
  • Confess any sins that have come between you and Him. Ask forgiveness and help to turn away from sin to God.
  • Ask the Lord to show you if he wants you to be reconciled to anyone.
  • Take the bread and wine.
  • Rejoice in the gift of salvation and a new life with God.



  • Invite those who have not trusted in Jesus to respond to God this morning.
    • Jesus’ invitation to you is, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) Jesus is that way to a relationship with God.
    • Jesus invites you to receive him into your life today. Maybe you’ve never done that, but today you say, “I need you Jesus.”
    • When we take communion, we are remembering that we need Jesus for salvation.
    • There is also a special moment when we first invite Jesus into our lives. A spiritual transformation takes place when we invite him in. The Bible calls it being born again.


Simple ways to share gospel:


I’m sorry. I believe. I receive.

  • I’m sorry.
    • I’m sorry for my sin. God I’ve lived my life in rebellion against you. Please forgive me for living as if I am God.
  • I believe.
    • I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and was raised up on the third day showing his power over death and judgment.
  • I receive.
    • I receive the gift of salvation. Not because of my goodness because of your goodness toward me in Jesus Christ. I receive you, Jesus, as my Lord and Saviour and I belong to you. I receive my heavenly Father’s love. I receive the gift of salvation. I receive the Holy Spirit to fill every area of my life. Amen!


The ABCs of salvation

  • Admit you have Sinned.
    • For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. – Romans 3:23
    • For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23
    • If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. –1 John 1:9
  • Believe on Jesus Christ
    • For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. – John 3:16-17
    • For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. -Ephesians 2:8-9
  • Confess Christ Publicly
    • …that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. – Romans 10:9-10