As Christians you and I are “full” spiritually to the point of abundance. “God’s fullness” stretches and expands us. It brings us new revelation and spiritual insight. We can contain only so much of “God’s fullness” before we have an overflow of his fullness to be given to others.
What is the “fullness of God?” The answer is found in Ephesians 3:14-19 and Colossians 2:9-10. The answer centres on our “being complete in him.” Scripture doesn’t emphasize “being full.” Full means being stuffed, crammed full, overloaded. The “fullness of God,” instead, is descriptive of the essence of God: love, truth, power, authority, wisdom and righteousness. This essence is “breathed” into our essence and we are filled with his Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is essential by God added another requirement; give to others from the “fullness” within us. We are to be his light, his heart, his fullness, his love, to our neighbours and to the world. If we don’t give…we love some of his “fullness.”
by Gordon Kler